Welcome to my first Devlog.
Its almost a month since I created this blog and I haven’t share anything here.
The main purpose of this blog is to share and document my projects while building them.
Project Intro:
Today, I will work on a project that I am building for Hashnode AI Hackathon. My primary blog is on Hashnode and this will be first time participating in their hackathon.
I have time till 28 July.
I have to build any of my idea using any AI tool or LLM. First, I picked Llama 3 & I try to run it but it was responding very slow due to my system specs, so maybe I will use Gemini or OpenAI. I haven’t decide this, but will decide when time comes.
Main Idea:
Now, lets talk about the project that I will be building. It will be a study tool that auto-schedule your calendar for you to study your subjects.
The main idea is: user will upload the outline of a specific course along with difficulty that user have with topics and tool with generate schedule of when user should study that specific topic at what time.
The following diagram is the sample of the input that user will enter and corresponding output from AI.
The output schedule will be added to the calendar of that user and user will be notified with notification at that time as reminder.
This will help user decide which topic to study at specific time.
Tracking Progress:
Progress tracking is also important as making a study schedule is nothing if user don’t implement it.
So, there should be a way for users to track their study statistics. This can be done if users start and end study sessions within the website & track the actual time spent on each session.
This is a rough mockup of how statistics page will look like. It contains some elements to measure user performance.
There are more screens in it, but this is a rough flow of the whole idea, user inputs the outline, generate the schedule to study and get reminder at that time for study. User can see his progress also.
Now, I will maybe design the website in figma to decide the overall layout and color scheme.
This episode was about clearing the idea by creating some mockups etc.
Now in next episode, I will make design in figma or maybe start actual development of it.
You can share this post with you fellow programmer friends if you like it.
You can comment down your thoughts about the idea.
See you in Devlog 2 ;)
EDIT: Project is completed now, the project is open source, you can check it out here: GitHub
- Psycho